This sophisticated OLED wallpaper display achieves the best possible picture quality, minimizing its presence by blending in with the wall. Minimal space is required for installation, which simplifies the process. The luxurious atmosphere generated with this display will provide customers with an extraordinary experience.
Wall fixers optimized for simple tiling
Enhanced flexibility of cables
LAN daisy chain management
N×N expandable viewing area
Hide in plain sight
Perfect design
Aspect Ratio - 16:9
Display Type - OLED
High Definition - Yes
Supported Resolution - 1080i (1920x1080)
Supported Resolution - 1080p (1920x1080)
Warranty - Yes
Spec Sheet available - Yes
Operating Temperature (Maximum):
104 F
Operating Temperature (Minimum):
32 F
Display Size:
55 in
Display Size:
4.58 ft
Brightness (Luminance):
400 Nits
IEC, EN, UL, FCC Class "A" / CE / KC
Communication Ports:
RS232C In/out, RJ45 (LAN) In/out, IR In